Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Buy Art Providence (the lasting revenge)

My painting Sweater Revenge has been selected by the City of Providence for their 2011 Buy Art Campaign.  If you are in Providence you can receive a button for free if you purchase a piece of art this holiday season. My image is one of 5, so whatever your mood, we got a button for you.

There are several events planned in conjunction with the BUY ART Campaign.
Craftland hosts BUY ART Reception Thursday, December 8th, 5-8pm.
Craftland webpage 

 An art exhibit at City Hall opening December 14th.  (more details to follow).

to find out more go here.

Also I just received the actual painting in the mail on its return journey from Delaware and the RSVP exhibit curated by John Vick, at the New Wilmington Art Association. It has had quite a workout lately.

press release