Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Measure Twice Buy Once

I can point to many times lately that I've been haunted by large furniture in small spaces. My current work space is no exception. Because of the Herculean efforts (and I don't throw around Greek Mythological references lightly) of a pal, there is a 4 x 10' piece of plywood on my studio floor. This wood shall become my work table.

In a rain storm we inched the plywood through a very tiny staircase. I can't believe it fit. I am grateful it did.

I bought the plywood from L. Sweet Lumber in Providence. I mention them because they are the last local independent lumber yard. Founded in 1885, even their facilities are a wonder to behold.

In the same vein I sing the praises of Durfee Hardware just over the border in Cranston, RI. Again getting to poke around in the old and still functional spaces is worth the trip.

anyone else have any nonboxstores to recommend?

I promise I will start making art soon. But until check out CRAFTLAND's holiday sale.

I will be dropping off some bracelets made from used bike inner tubes, a share of the proceeds support Providence's Recycle a Bike.