I love Craftland. They support artists all year round. I am very happy to be teaching a class near and dear to my heart.
I spend a lot of time figuring out exparimental ways to make images from crap lying around my house. It will make you feel like a magician.
here's the blurb.
Make beautiful images from safe and simple methods at home. Learn how to make your own wrapping paper with a rolling pin, print a t-shirt with freezer paper, transform your eraser or kitchen sponge into an image- making powerhouse! With an emphasis on less toxic materials and methods appropriate for home studios, we will focus on the two most accessible printmaking techniques: screen printing and relief printing. Appropriate for printers at all levels, especially fresh beginners.
Instructor: Delia Kovac
Saturday, May 22, 11:30am - 2pm
sign up here
FYI-you will walk away with a lot of tools to play with.