I happened upon Block Printing on Textiles by Janet Erickson. I was intrigued by the charming spread of drawings of printmaking supplies, but I fell in love Mrs. Erickson's boosterism of printing with your feet:

What a lovely humble way to get the job done. What I really love is her open engagement with experimental (dare I say playful) technical practice. I cherish experimentation in my practice and was surprised to find it in a how-to book.
I was intrigued so I googled Mrs. Erickson and glory be she has a Wikipedia page!
Which includes this lovely image:
Seems to me a lot of contemporary illustrators are biting her style. According to Wikipedia Life Magazine niknamed her "Jumping Janet" for her foot printing technique. And after a life of Globetrotting she's moved back to New England. Maybe she's excepting fan letters?
If you have any suggestions for further reading please pass it along.